Photo courtesy of Chris Taylor.

Officials are keeping close tabs on local waterways once again with the risk of flooding along the Lake Erie Shoreline.

Winds are expected to pick up this morning, and could bring storm surges, wave spray flooding, and further shoreline damage along the shoreline, and to the already battered Erie Shore Drive in particular.

The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority says conditions are expected to continue through tomorrow.

“Given the long duration of this wind event and the possibility of winds over 40 km/hr, enough water is likely to collect to cover people’s yards and flow across the roadway. Residents and workers in the area should be prepared,” a statement from the LTVCA reads.

People should take extra caution and avoid the shoreline should conditions get rough. The waves can be strong and the shoreline slippery. There could also be hazardous debris within the waves and water which could be thrown onto the shore.