The COVID-19 pandemic has given one local agency the opportunity to do some self-reflection.

Just over a year ago, Community Living Wallaceburg launched an in-depth consultation with internal and external stakeholders. From that, the agency has released a new four-year strategic plan, saying it wants to transition to a more person-centred program where supports and services are co-designed with the people who use them.

Part of that plan is to make better use of technology to help people live empowered lives and overcome barriers. As well, officials say they want to develop relationships with other organizations and community groups that would result in more people receiving support, more effective supports being offered, and greater availability of specialized services.

Dream, Believe, Overcome and Achieve captures what mattered most to the people who helped build this strategic plan,” says Board Chair Ben Hazzard. “In focus groups, telephone interviews and e-surveys, people who use our services, family members, supporters, employees of the organization, community partners and the Board of Directors were challenged to think about what they would like their life to look like and how our Agency can help them get there. Their words and insights are the foundation of the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and at the core of the services and supports provided by Community Living Wallaceburg.”

Community Living Wallaceburg provides a full range of accommodation, community and employment support to more than 400 individuals and their families in Chatham-Kent and Sarnia-Lambton.