There is a reason many of us refer to spring break as the March Break but things have changed…and could change again.

It always happens in mid-March.  Not this year of course as the pandemic prompted the Ford government to move the break back to the week of April 12th.

But now there is word it might be pushed back even further. With the schools reporting a record number of cases this week and the 3rd wave underway according to health officials, insiders say it’s being considered.

The idea of 2-million students on break at the same time is concerning and Ford says he can’t predict two weeks out.

His Education Minister was singing a slightly different tune this week. Stephen Lecce said as far as he was concerned, the April Break would continue as planned, and there will be increased safety protocols in place when staff and students return to in-class learning on April 19th.

Teachers unions are suggesting keeping the break intact and switching to virtual learning until the end of April.

Meantime, Premier Ford also leveled a fairly ominous warning on Tuesday, telling Ontarians “not to make any plans for Easter.”

He said his cabinet will meet to discuss what, if anything, will be done, and he won’t hesitate to lock things down to protect ICU capacity. He is also concerned about the rising number of cases across the province, and he is also concerned that younger people are being hospitalized with the virus.

Ford says any decision will be made with advice from Ontario’s chief medical officer of health Dr. David Williams.