Municipal officials are looking to make Chatham-Kent more tech-savvy.

A special online panel is being held next Thursday, April 29th, from 10:30am to 1pm. The event will feature various technology experts, and is billed as exploring the next steps in turning the municipality into a so-called Hub of Innovation.

“The time has never been better to reconnect with some of the tech and innovation leaders those who left the region to explore different experiences,” says Matt Reaume, Economic Development Officer and Panel Moderator. “Tech Homecoming is an opportunity to reengage and learn from people who have roots in Chatham-Kent. They each have a genuine interest in making their home community better and are eager to help Chatham-Kent grow today and into the future.”

Among the speakers are various former CK residents, including Justine Janssen, senior VP of Strategic Initiatives with Ceridian, former Blenheim resident Mike Pegg, who heads up Google Maps platform developer relations, and Allan Livingston, who used to live in Wallaceburg and is now the Director of Product Management, Core Systems at Google’s California headquarters.

The event will also include Mayor Darrin Canniff, officials from Economic Development, the WEtech Alliance, and local tech companies Scribendi and TekSavvy.

“Innovation is central to the challenges facing both urban and rural regions,” said Yvonne Pilon, President and CEO of WEtech Alliance. “Tech Homecoming will continue the conversation on the diversification of the regional economy through the promotion and reconnection of innovation and technology trends and leaders near and far.”

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