Another big donation in support of Community Living Wallaceburg to make its multi-sensory room more accessible.

The agency launched a fundraising campaign last month to renovate the Snoezelen Room and update the equipment to allow it to be used by the community at large, not just Community Living clients.

In honour of Giving Tuesday this week, an anonymous donor has chipped in $3000 to the cause. That brings the total money raised so far to $5000.

“The enthusiasm and generosity of our community since the first announcement about the renovations of the Snoezelen Room have been wonderful, and something to be grateful for, as we approach the giving season,” Executive Director Deborah Hook says. “Not only will the updated space provide more opportunities for the people the Agency supports; the renewal and planned community expansion of the multi-sensory space will allow more people from the community to benefit from this unique resource.”

The organization hopes to raise $50,000 to fund the renovations that will include leading-edge and engaging sensory products including a Milky Way carpet, fiber optic enclosure, teardrop beanbag chair, interactive aroma panel, and a wiggle seat sensory cushion.

Money raised will also help with expanded operational costs, training, and sustainability of the space.

CLICK HERE to make a donation.