Jay Cunningham is preparing to head up the Kent Federation of Agriculture into the new year.

Cunningham was acclaimed as President at this week’s annual general meeting, and says he’s honoured to lead once again following a challenging year.

“We certainly had an interesting year,” Cunningham says. “Mix a little bit of COVID in with some interesting weather situations, and then throw some new restrictions on our land use, then regular normal things you get in agriculture and yeah, it makes for a fairly interesting and busy year.”

Cunningham says 2022 holds a number of unique opportunities for the organization.

“We’re hoping to work with the Chatham-Kent Fire and Rescue on grain entrapment equipment to aid the fire service, we’ve got an election coming up in our municipality which is going to be interesting, we’ve got an ongoing review of fees for services that are provided, and that’s just a few things.”

Brad Snobelen and Bill Parks have been named vice presidents for the coming term. The Ed Campbell Memorial Award for Director of the Year was presented to Bill Parks, while the Meritorious Service Award for Contributions in Agriculture was given to Harry Lawson.

Scholarship winners Alec Cameron and Hanna Reid both received $1000 towards their education in agriculture.