With just four more meetings left in the current term, Chatham-Kent Council will have some big decisions to make – or whether to make a decision at all.

Mayor Darrin Canniff says the upcoming municipal election makes for some challenging discussions as the current slate of councillors nears its end.

“We’ve got three or four more meetings before the election. The August 8th meeting is going to be actually jammed with things, so moving forward we’ll probably end up doing another split (meeting) like we did last time to get it all through.”

Last month, a second session had to be tacked on to council’s schedule after time expired on the July 11th meeting, leaving a number of issues still to be discussed.

While some big decisions, including the revitalization plans for downtown Chatham and the proposed woodlot preservation bylaw, will be held off until after the October 24th election, Mayor Darrin Canniff says there is still work to be done.

“There’s a lot of things going on,” Canniff says. “The normal course of business, I’ll call it, is going to take some time. Over the next few meetings, we need to get a bunch of the normal course things approved and keep the municipality functioning.”

Council’s next meeting, still being held virtually, is coming up August 8th, and will include administration’s report on the DCC revitalization plan, among other issues.

The final council meeting of the term is slated for Monday, October 3rd before Chatham-Kent residents head to the polls to elect a new mayor, council, and school board trustees on October 24th.