Another shadow posting for a local MP.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre unveiled his shadow cabinet on Wednesday, naming Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MP Lianne Rood Shadow Minister for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Eastern, Central and Southern Ontario.

“I want to thank our Leader for his confidence in me,” Rood said in a news release. “I look forward to working cooperatively with my colleagues in the new ‘inflation busting’ Shadow Cabinet.”

Rood plans to spend the next few months meeting with stakeholders across the province to learn about the challenges businesses are facing.

“My Conservative colleagues and I will ensure Canadians benefit from the fruits of their labour. Conservatives want to give them back control over their lives, and make Canada the freest country on earth.”

Rood previously served as Shadow Minister for Rural Economic Development & Rural Broadband Strategy under former leader Erin O’Toole, and Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Agri-Food in 2020.

There are 51 ministers in Poilievre’s Shadow Cabinet and 20 associate ministers, although Chatham-Kent-Leamington MP Dave Epp did not make the list.

Sarnia-Lambton MP Marilyn Gladu has been named Shadow Minister for Civil Liberties.