Kiwanis Theatre of the Chatham Cultural Centre. Photo credit: Robyn Brady.

A dozen current and former members of the local community are being recognized for their contributions to the arts.

The Chatham Kent Arts and Culture Network (CKACN) will induct the inaugural class of 2022 Arts and Culture Heroes Wall of Fame with a ceremony this evening. Inductees will have a plaque permanently mounted at the Chatham Cultural Centre and be included on a “virtual wall” on the CKACN website.

Each of the inductees will be recognized under one of six categories — visual arts, performing arts, music, dance, literary arts and cultural builders. The CKACN said it also made an effort to represent the various communities around the municipality.

The doors open for tonight’s free event at the Chatham Armoury at 6:30 and the ceremony gets underway at 7.

Visual Arts
· Artis Lane – Painter and Sculptor (North Buxton)
· Janet Forsyth – Painter (Blenheim)
Performing Arts
· Keene Duncan – Movie and Television Actor (Chatham)
· Theatre Kent – Community Theatre Group (Chatham-Kent)
· Jeanne Gordon – Opera Singer (Wallaceburg)
· Sylvia Tyson – Folk and Country Singer (Chatham)
· Shae-Lynn Bourne – Dancer and Choreographer (Chatham)
· Florence Abel – Dancer and Instructor (Chatham)
Literary Arts
· Robertson Davies – Author, Playwright and Critic (Thamesville)
· June Callwood – Journalist and Activist (Chatham)
Cultural Builders
· Gwendolyne Gold – Cultural Builder (South Kent)
· Barbara Jean Rossini – Cultural Builder(Chatham)