Provincial police are reporting an increase in the number of fatalities on Ontario roads in 2022, compared to the year prior.

The Ontario Provincial Police have released traffic data collected from 2022 that shows 359 people were killed in the 74,173 collisions that took place last year.  In 2021, there were 44 fewer deaths and 13,514 fewer collisions.

“By any measure, a life lost in a preventable collision or other traffic incident is one too many,” the OPP said in a news release. “The most important takeaway from the data is the need for every driver and passenger to eliminate all manner of risk, as this remains the most critical factor in preventing the senseless loss of life.”

According to the OPP, speeding was the leading cause of fatal crashes in 2022 with 85 fatal collisions. Alcohol and drugs were to blame for 64 deaths on provincial roads, while another 51 fatalities were seat belt-related.

The OPP said drivers must recognize that traffic safety is a shared responsibility and do their part to stay safe and reduce the number of collisions on provincial roads.