University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus students. Submitted photo.

A public art project is in the works at the University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus.

The agricultural school is teaming up with the municipality to have a permanent art installation on campus.

“Public art has the power to inspire, engage, and connect people in ways that transcend language, culture, and background,” said Mayor Darrin Canniff. “It is a reflection of our community’s values, culture and identity, and serves as a visual reminder of our shared experiences and aspirations. We are excited to work with University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus students to create a meaningful and unique public art piece that celebrates life-long learning and the campus’ continued leadership in our agriculture community.”

The funding is coming through Hydro One Community Support program, with cash earmarked specifically for recreation and arts and culture projects.

Ridgetown students will be involved in the project to show the unique experience of attending the school.

“Ridgetown Campus delivers a unique experience for students – we are a small campus that offers world class programs. This exciting initiative provides students to leave a legacy and shape the campus for students today and into the future,” says Brett Shepherd, Director, Ridgetown Campus. “As we celebrate our 100th anniversary, expressing our plant, animal, environmental, and sustainability achievements through public art is a perfect way to build awareness of our campus and fulfil our promise to improve the world growing around us.”

The design phase is expected to begin in the fall.