Image by katja from Pixabay

The provincial and federal governments are teaming up to help protect honey bees in Ontario.

Over $1.3 million is being invested through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) to help improve the resiliency and competitiveness of beekeeper operations.

“Honey bees and the producers who care for them play a vital role in the production and diversity of high-value agricultural crops in Ontario,” said the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food in a news release. “Through this initiative, beekeepers will be able to access tools specific to their unique needs so they can continue building successful and sustainable beekeeping operations.”

The new Honey Bee Health Initiative will help Ontario beekeepers maintain healthy honey bee colonies and will support them as they grow their number of colonies. Eligible activities also include equipment purchases or modifications to helps prevent the spread of disease, and analysis work to support best management practices.

“Ontario beekeepers play an important role in honey production and maintaining healthy bee colonies which in turn, contributes to the pollination of Ontario crops,” said Lisa Thompson, Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. “Our government is committed to working with our beekeepers to address sector challenges, explore new markets and ensure the sector remains competitive.”

Ontario beekeepers with fewer than 50 hives are eligible for up to $4,500 total on approved projects and beekeepers with more than 50 hives are eligible for up to $25,000.

The application intake for the Honey Bee Health Initiative will open on September 15th and will remain open until the available funding has been spoken for.