Photo courtesy of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

The municipality is preparing for the next steps into the ongoing investigation into gas leaks in Wheatley.

Following the demolition of several buildings along Erie Street North, the next phase includes removing the foundations of the demolished buildings and excavating the entire site in order to confirm or deny the presence of any additional gas or water wells.

According to a report presented to council earlier this week, the main challenge is that if a hazardous well is found emitting hydrogen sulphide, municipal staff would have to have resources on site to get control of the situation immediately. That would require having contractors, equipment, and emergency services on standby for the duration of the excavation.

Council has given the green light to a $6-million contract for 360 Engineering and Environmental Consulting Ltd, and $250,000 with T.L. Watson and Associates.

Should a hazardous well be found emitting H2S or other toxic chemicals that could cause issues outside of the current evacuation zone, the emergency response plan would be activated, which in a worst-case scenario could include short-term evacuation of residents in nearby properties down-wind.

The project is intended to begin the first week of September and is anticipated to take several weeks. Preparation work is already underway and will ramp up in August.