The local branch of the Ontario Health Coalition continues to raise the alarm over potential changes to health care in Ontario.

Chair Shirley Roebuck says they’ll be meeting at the Bothwell Legion at 10 o’clock this morning to raise awareness about Bill 74, which aims to form a single super-agency to manage health services in the province, among other things.

“This bill allows privatization of services and grants vast powers to the cabinet and minister of health and those vast powers would force amalgamations, closures, mega mergers, and all sorts of things,” says Roebuck. “It will take years and years to implement, costing the Ontario taxpayer quite a lot of cash, I think.”

A similar meeting is being held at the Dresden Legion starting at 10 o’clock Friday morning.

Meantime, the Health Coalition is also planning a bus trip to Toronto.

A rally is being held at Queens Park on April 30th to continue the fight against Bill 74.

There will be two Chatham-Kent buses heading to Toronto that morning – one picking up supporters at the McNaughton Avenue Tim Horton’s in Wallaceburg, another at the Bloomfield Truck Stop in Chatham, both leaving at 7:45am.

Anyone who would like to attend can contact Roebuck at 226-402-2724 or