We are just a couple of months away from the start of municipal budget deliberations in Chatham-Kent and your time to be heard is now.

Once again this year residents of Chatham-Kent are being asked to weigh in on the budget deliberations through an on line survey.

It’s your chance to let council members know how you feel about some projects on the board and if you feel your money is being spent effectively.

The survey is up now through November 12th on the municipality’s Let’s Talk website – CLICK HERE. 

This year’s budget process is entitled Budget 2022: Our Community, Our Future.

“Our budget goal is really reflected in the name of the process,” Budget Chair Brock McGregor says. “We want the community to look at the issue of spending through the lens of what kind of community  they want Chatham-Kent to become.”

Residents are also encouraged to bring budget concerns to their Councillors at any time through email or by phone.

The process officially kicks off on January 12th 2022 with a virtual meeting.