The Build the Barrier Campaign is preparing for 2018.

Alysson Storey says they’re going to continue to pressure the Ministry of Transportation for concrete median barriers on this stretch of the 401.

“2018 is going to be a very important year for this campaign that we’ve been working on since September. We have already set the next town hall-style meeting scheduled for the Elgin County/London area on Wednesday, February 7th. We’re just confirming a location”, Storey says. “If anyone in Chatham missed the last meeting, and want to join us in London, they are more than welcome to do so. If there’s enough interest, we can consider providing group transportation to the meeting.”

Storey says those involved with the campaign won’t rest until the barrier is installed.

“We’re going to continue to encourage people to call, e-mail, or mail a letter to the Minister of Transportation Steven Del Duca. He needs to continue to get the message that we are not giving p on this campaign. We’re not going to rest until the concrete median barrier goes up”, says Storey.