Rondeau cottager Cynthia Szypula participating in the White Pine replanting in Rondeau Provincial Park in May 2023. (Photo courtesy of the Rondeau Cottagers Association)

Local cottagers are stepping up to replace dozens of trees that were destroyed by severe winter weather.

Cottager Candice Barlow started a replanting program at Rondeau Provincial Park last month to replace around 50 White Pines that were brought down by ice and strong winds during a storm in December 2022.

“Since the first French Jesuits mapped the region, Rondeau has been known for its White Pine trees,” said Barlow in a news release. “Early maps refer to the Rondeau Peninsula as Pointe aux Pins. I wanted to replace these majestic trees which were sadly uprooted and destroyed.”

According to the Rondeau Cottagers Association, several of Barlow’s fellow caring cottagers have since volunteered to help plant more than 30 White Pine saplings on Lakeshore Road and Harrison Trail.

“Our group hopes to make this a three-year reforestation initiative to replace the devastating loss of the trees,” added Barlow.

The four-year-old saplings were purchased through the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority’s tree-planting program.