L-R: Maroons co-captain Lucas Fancy, Goodfellows President Tim Haskell, and Maroons GM/Head Coach Tyler Roeszler.

The Chatham Goodfellows are honouring some of their biggest supports.

The local organization recently held its 67th annual general meeting, gearing up for the No Child Without a Christmas Campaign.

This year’s President’s Award recipient is the Chatham Jr Maroons Jr B hockey club. Team members are staples of the Porchlight Campaign, showing up to canvas door-to-door each year. The Maroons also support toy baskets for kids in need with their annual teddy bear toss.

The organization has also named Ward Six Councillor and former police officer Amy Finn as the 2021 Mrs. Goodfellow. After years of volunteering, Finn joined the Goodfellows’ board of directors in 2002, helping out with various committees and other events.

Some key dates for this year’s Goodfellows’ campaign – the office will be open starting Monday accepting new applications for food and toy baskets. The office can be reached by phone at 519-354-1146. Emails can be sent to info@chathamgoodfellows.ca, and monetary donations may be e-transferred to donate@chathamgoodfellows.ca.

The annual Porch Light campaign returns November 29th, and donations will be accepted through the Street Sales on December 10th and 11th to help those in need over the holiday season.