Chatham-Kent officials are raising some important local issues with the province this week at the annual Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference.

The three-day event is being held entirely online this year, because of COVID-19.

“Over three days they’re going to have a series of different presentations,” says Chatham-Kent CAO Don Shropshire,  “but we’ll also be doing our meetings with various Ministers and we’ll see how they can support the needs of Chatham-Kent.”

Shropshire says the pandemic and its economic fallout will be a main topics this week, but the local delegation has some other burning issues to discuss as well, such as the need for increased investment in rural infrastructure for broadband.

“Certainly the pandemic has been a way to highlight the importance of being online,” Shropshire says. “Whether you’re talking about a business or residents, they need high-speed fibre to be able to do their work and also just take part in day in everyday activities.”

Shoreline damage and erosion continues to be a major issue in Chatham-Kent and beyond.

“Climate change has driven high water levels and also increased erosion. Some of the challenges we’ve got there are beyond the capacity of the municipality to handle by ourselves. We’re reaching out to the province and asking for some additional support.”

Mayor Darrin Canniff, Councillors Karen Kirkwood Whyte, Clair Latimer, and Carmen McGregor are also taking part in this week’s virtual meetings.

The AMO Conference runs through Wednesday.