The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police announced today that Chatham Kent Police Service Chief Gary Conn has been named President.

He was sworn in today during the OACP’s General Meeting. He succeeds Chief Antje McNeely of Kingston Police who will remain on the Board of Directors as Past President.

“It’s a great honour for me to be able to serve as President. I am following in the footsteps of dedicated police leaders like Chief McNeely, who felt called to serve our police organizations, police professionals and the people of Ontario, said Chief Conn. “These are challenging times for policing. We must always listen carefully to the people we serve and to our police members. As leaders, we must always devote ourselves to pursuing change in policing that helps build safe and just communities.”

Chief Conn sits on the Board of Directors for the Chatham-Kent Women’s Centre and the Chatham-Kent Gay Pride Association and is a member of the Canadian Association Chiefs of Police’s Use of Force Advisory Committee.  He is also a Knight of the Hospitaller Order of St. John, Company Sergeant Major for Delta Company of the Essex and Kent Scottish Regiment, and was appointed Member of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces.