Erosion near Talbot Trail. Photo courtesy of Trevor Thompson.

Chatham-Kent council approved spending $4 million at their council meeting Monday night, to create an interim solution by moving a section of Talbot Trail so it can reopen to traffic.

In July 2019, a section of Talbot Trail roadway near Coatsworth Line was closed due to the risk of slope and road failure. The proposed realignment of Talbot Trail is seen as the best alternative economically to reopen the road. Engineers said it should have a life span of 30 years, which will give them time to implement a longer-term solution.

West Kent councillor Lauren Anderson said the preferred alternative that the municipality is choosing to do is the best option.

“Ultimately this is the best solution,” Anderson, calling it reasonable. “I don’t see a way that makes more sense than this, and (is more) cost-effective.”

Council voted in favour of having the mayor write Queen’s Park seeking funding for the project on the former provincial highway.

A number of residents came to council chambers wearing red, to show support for Chatham-Kent’s preferred alternative for reopening Talbot Trail.

The next steps for the project are to finalize an Environmental Study Report, begin a Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment and further Species At Risk investigations will also be completed. This will be followed by land acquisitions, detailed design and project implementation.

Construction is targeted to start in 2025.