Chatham-Kent council approved the 2020 capital budget report that lists a number of projects that the municipality would like to accomplish in the upcoming year, at their Monday council meeting.
The capital projects report will now go to the budget committee and they will now decide which projects they will fund in the upcoming year.
Mayor Darrin Canniff says the province has thrown a bit of a fly in the ointment.
“Unfortunately out of the gate we’ve got some downloads we’re dealing with as far as the province goes,” Canniff explains. “We’re starting out at (a proposed increase of) 1.5% and we’re working hard to keep taxes low.”
Among the 66 projects that council will look to fund include Keil Drive extension in Chatham, a new Chatham-Kent fleet garage, and library renovations, among other projects.
Chatham-Kent council will table the budget tonight.
Open house community meetings will take place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week; including a meeting at the Wallaceburg Municipal Centre from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on January 22.
Budget committee deliberations will take place January 28 to 30 and February 4 and 5 if needed.
For the first time the budget will be broadcast on YourTv, as well as live streamed on YourTV Chatham-Kent’s YouTube channel and Facebook Live feed.