From water well contamination and health care to the minimum wage and job creation, those looking to represent Lambton-Kent-Middlesex at Queen’s Park covered a lot of ground in Tuesday night’s CKXS Candidate Forum. 

The NDP’s Todd Case says his party is focusing first and foremost on improving health care in Ontario.

“Our hospitals are crumbing, we lack beds, so the NDP is going to put in place 2000 new beds right after the election,” “Not to mention long term care as well, we’re going to put 40,000 new beds in place because there’s such a backup in the system.”

Incumbent Monte McNaughton says the PC party wants to see more jobs in the area.

“We’ve lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs in the last decade or so in the province of Ontario, skyrocketing hydro rates, the cap and trade carbon tax, growing red tape that’s a burden for families and businesses and farmers in this province,” McNaughton explains. “Ontario is no longer open for business,s and if we’re going retain our young people in our communities, we’ve got to ensure that our government creates an environment for jobs to be created.”

Brian Everaert says the Trillium party is dead-set against a $15 dollar minimum wage.

“the strain put on small businesses is astronomical with this quick jump in the minimum wage, and I’ve been hearing it from quite a few small business owners that they really didn’t appreciate it,” Everaert says. “In fact, it’s led to less jobs, more small business owners are spending more time working behind the desks or the counters themselves.”

One issue all three parties could agree upon was water well contamination in the area, and each have vowed to launch a health hazard investigation should their respective party take power next month.