Concerns are being raised about the wait times some residents might face between their first and second COVID shots. Reports in some regions say people might wait as long as 16 weeks between doses of the Pfizer vaccine due to supply issues.

However, Chatham-Kent’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David Colby, isn’t terribly worried.

“The best way to deal with this is to put our priorities on first doses,” Dr. Colby explains. “There is increasing scientific evidence that more than 90% of the protection of a vaccine is afforded by that first dose, and although the protection does get ramped up a bit with the second dose, the main purpose of a second dose is to provide length of protection rather than strength of protection.”

He says the idea is to maximize the number of people covered and minimize transmission by getting as many first doses into arms as possible.

“This is Vaccinology 101, but a lot of people were reluctant to deviate from the package instructions on the vaccine without actual evidence. Well that evidence is accumulating.”

In fact, Dr. Colby says the National Advisory Committee on Immunization says the booster shot, or second dose, can safely be delayed up to four months, providing a great deal of flexibility for vaccination teams.