As a heat warning continues in Chatham-Kent, the municipality is doing what it can to keep area residents cool.
Municipal offices in Blenheim, Chatham, Ridgetown, Tilbury, and Wallaceburg are acting as cooling stations, providing space for people to sit, have a drink of water, and cool off during regular business hours.
Employment and Social Services will offer the same service in the main office lobby on the 1st floor of the Community Human Services Building at 435 Grand Ave., West, Chatham.
Hope Haven will offer services and a cooling station at their location at 183 Wellington Street West, Chatham, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. as well. Their regular hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. seven days a week. Local volunteer organizations, ROCK Missions 519-354-0430 ext. 205 and/or NeighbourLink 519-352-5647 can provide transportation free of charge for vulnerable people if needed.
Public Libraries in Chatham-Kent have re-opened for ‘Browse and Go’ service which offers a short respite from the heat. Customers can enjoy 45 minutes of free internet use and time to browse our collections as an escape from the heat. For information on their locations and open hours see:
All locations will have COVID 19 safety protocols in place and attendees are required to wear face masks, stay six feet apart from others, use hand sanitization upon entry, etc. Facility capacity limits are posted and regularly monitored, in accordance with provincial requirements.
Anyone can be affected by extreme warm-related weather conditions, depending on length of time of exposure to heat and exertion levels. Those especially at risk include:
- older adults over the age of 65
- infants and young children
- outdoor workers
- homeless persons, and/or those lacking shelter, proper clothing or food
During extreme warm weather, residents are encouraged to call or visit friends and neighbours who may be at risk, and keep pets inside. For more information, see
Anyone experiencing homelessness should call the homeless response line at 519-354-6628 (24/7).