A victory for a group of Wallaceburg residents.

Wallaceburg resident Krystal Gyuricza addresses Chatham-Kent Council.
Wallaceburg resident Krystal Gyuricza addresses Chatham-Kent Council.

After two weeks of protests about changes to the intersection of Murray and Reaume, the municipality is taking action.

Council has agreed to install a pedestrian-activated stop light at the intersection.

Krystal Gyuricza helped to organize the protests and a petition and says she’s relieved.

“I was feeling really hopeful when all of the councillors started asking questions, and sounded like they were on our side,” Gyuricza says. “I was feeling like we’re going to get this done, but when the vote came in and it was yet, I was just so happy.”

A team of volunteers has been meeting at the crosswalk every morning and afternoon since school started, but Gyuricza says they could always use a few more.

“We all have jobs, so we can’t always be there every day. Even if people just volunteered one day a week, that would help so much, it takes 20 minutes, half hour out of your day.”

Meantime, a request to look into school zone speed limits was put off until December.