Buy Vi-Slim and get Vi-Trim free!  Call 519-784-4610 Offer Ends TODAY 

Boost your Metabolism with Vi Slim!
Vi-Slim® is our proprietary, specially designed supplement to support a healthy metabolism. While exercise may
be a good way to boost our metabolism and help the body burn fat, the majority of adults do not have the time to
do strenuous exercise. And, as we get older our metabolism may slow. ViSalus created a supplement that can help
support your metabolism to help the body burn fat. While other products on the market use harsh stimulants,
or high levels of caffeine, ViSalus does not. Vi-Slim combines herbs and ingredients to help your body burn fat,
naturally. By adding Vi-Slim, you can help your body burn an extra 85-125 calories per day. While this may sound
slow, it can add up to an extra 10-15 lbs. of fat loss per year!

Take hold of your hunger with Vi Trim.
Curbing hunger while trying to diet and cut calories can be a challenge. This
product conveniently comes to the rescue any time those hunger pangs begin,
giving you a natural solution to the stress of dieting. No more fighting hunger
alone; now you have a proven product to help you fight the snack attacks when
you want to.
Vi-Trim mixes clear, and is virtually flavor free and odorless! Mix this powder into
water or your favorite beverage to help calm hunger between meals, or mix into
your Vi-Shape® Nutritional Shake Mix or foods like soup.