As municipal staff sift through more than 2200 responses to a public survey on the possibility of building a twin pad arena, a local group is offering to help.

Design courtesy of Build the Complex CK.

Nathan Trudell heads up Build the Complex CK, which he says has already drawn up plans for a new facility.

“We look forward to doing what we can to work with Thomas (Kelly, GM of Infrastructure and Engineering) and administration and council to get something done as quickly as possible,” Trudell says. “Time is of the essence right now, there is funding out there, we just have to make sure we’re on the ball so we can apply for that funding and get what we can to make this the best option for our community moving forward.”

Trudell says he and his colleagues have put in six months of work to create a design for a new complex, and would be happy to share their information with municipal officials.

A report from municipal administration is expected to come before council in May, reviewing the options.