Following up on the success of their Christmas campaign, Dresden Shines is at it again.

The group saw plenty of local support with their campaign to light up the town over the holidays, now they’re looking to clean things up as well.

Liz Kominek with the Dresden and District Horticultural Society expects another great effort with Operation Clean Sweep, in honour of Earth Week.

“After the winter, all of that garbage and litter is exposed, and we want to have the week to go through the whole community, all the neighbourhoods, the parks, the public spaces, some of the surrounding rural areas to just pick up the garbage and make everything look neat and tidy.”

She says it’s all about respect for the environment and beautification of the community, long-standing guiding principles for the horticultural society.

“We want to draw awareness to Earth Day, because there’s so many different projects you can do, whether it’s doing what we’re doing, cleaning up the litter, or whether it’s doing things like planting trees, planting a garden.”

All Clean Sweep activities will follow COVID-19 health and safety protocols.

“We’re seeing as a family oriented activity, so we are asking that you stay within your own social bubble with your family, and follow all the COVID guidelines,” Kominek says. “We’re hoping that it starts in your own neighbourhood, so if you’re able to walk a couple of blocks in your own neighbourhood and pick up the garage.”

She says because of COVID concerns there will not be a big gathering. They are encourage masks, and social distancing while you are out volunteering.

Earth week run April 18-24.