Erosion near Talbot Trail. Photo courtesy of Trevor Thompson.

Chatham-Kent continues to make headway on reopening an erosion-plagued shoreline road south of Coatsworth.

The municipality and BT Engineering Inc. recently completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) Addendum on a section of Talbot Trail east of Coatsworth Road. The roadway has been closed since July 2019 due to erosion from Lake Erie which has damaged its structural integrity.

The study recommends moving Talbot Trail out of a projected “30-year hazard zone” to allow for the route to be reopened. The current “Technically Preferred Alternative” is to realign the road to the northwest of its current position from Coatsworth Road.

The $4 million Talbot Trail realignment process was approved by Chatham-Kent Council back in February.

The EA Addendum Report will be available online for a 30-day public review from July 3 until August 2. It can be found by clicking here.

Following public review, the municipality will proceed with land acquisition, detailed designs and supporting studies for the project. Tendering and construction of the recommended improvements are targeted for 2025.