Another step has been taken toward replacing the aging water treatment plant in Wallaceburg.

An Environmental Study Report was recently completed to identify preferred solutions and design concepts for Wallaceburg’s water supply, raw water supply, and treated water transmission.

The preferred solutions identified in the study are to build a brand new water treatment plant in Wallaceburg with a much higher rated capacity. The plant would supply water to Wallaceburg, Dresden, and future greenhouses along Base Line.

The study also suggests constructing a new low-lift pump station at a second location upstream, along with a new twinned raw water main to the Wallaceburg water treatment plant.

A new water transmission main would also be installed between Wallaceburg and Dresden.

According to the municipality, the current water treatment plant, raw water intake, and low-lift pump station have reached the end of their life expectancy, requiring frequent repairs and replacements.

The new infrastructure is expected to meet future water demands for the next 50 years.

For more information on the Environmental Study Report, click here.