A newly released audit is expected to assist with the removal of systemic, institutional, and cultural barriers for staff within the local public school board.

The Lambton-Kent District School Board (LKDSB) previously hired a third-party consultant to conduct a Human Resources Equity Audit as part of its five-year strategic plan.

The audit provided a review of employment policies, practices, and procedures, and made recommendations to ensure the school board has a diverse workforce and an inclusive work environment. Several goals were also identified and are now included as part of the LKDSB 2023-2024 Operational Plan.

“This is one, early but important step in a long journey towards becoming the most equitable workplace that we can be,” said Superintendent Gary Girardi in a news release. “We want the decisions that we make to be data-informed, and a third-party equity audit that allows the opportunity for consultation with our own employees is a way we can ensure that that is happening.”

Some of the recommendations include developing a multi-faceted communications strategy, including book clubs, podcasts, and other ways of promoting workplace equity, diversity, and inclusion; and that issues of equity and human rights be embedded into all training provided to employees and leaders so that they can see its connection to all the work that they do.

In addition, several goals, supporting action items and expected outcomes, which champion equity and inclusion, are included in the LKDSB 2023-2024 Operational Plan, a guiding document that addresses significant areas of growth and opportunity to better the organization.

“We look forward to enhancing what our staff assert that we are already doing well, and we are also committed to addressing the areas of concern which have been voiced,” states Girardi. “We have a lot of work ahead of us, but it is important work and we are thoroughly invested in this process.”

The board said the results of the equity audit will also help to increase student success and well-being, strengthen employee relations, and improve job satisfaction and productivity.

The LKDSB employs approximately 3,300 teaching and support staff which serve roughly 21,600 students.