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THE GIFT is back in C-K!
November 20, 2021
THE GIFT is back in C-K!
On November 20th, The Gift is within us all.
The one day toy and food drive aims to help as many families and organizations in need as possible. You are asked to set your donations out on your door step at 12PM noon on November 20th.
To volunteer or find more details visit thegiftck.ca
The Gift aims to benefit as many people in Chatham-Kent as possible. Giving and receiving as holistically as possible. The Gifts getting into the intended hands by any means necessary. For the physical gifts, community-based organizations, neighbours finding neighbours and just going and getting from The Gift depots for you or others etc. If a group or individual needs certain products to help achieve their mission, The Gift will support them in any way possible. The Gift aims at facilitating connection and collaboration, so no one is left behind. All citizens own The Gift equally, it is what we make it. Trusting everyone and their intentions is a major pillar.
The following are just a few of the groups who were recipients of The Gift last year:
Ministerial Association (Blenheim) . Jenna’s Chatham-Kent Christmas Toy Drive . St. Vincent De Paul . Dresden Legion . Outreach for Hunger . Family Service Kent . Thamesville Sertoma . Community Living . Hope Haven . FreeHelp CK . St. Ursula Church . Holy Redeemer Parish . Chatham-Kent Citizens . Bothwell Toy & Hamper Program . Chatham-Kent Children’s Services . Goodfellows (Chatham) . Salvation Army (Chatham) . Salvation Army (Blenheim) . W.I.S.H. Centre . Salvation Army (Ridgetown) . Salvation Army (Wallaceburg) . Merlin Community Assistance Group . Goodfellows (Tilbury) . ROCK Missions . & countless more!