The federal government is pumping 70-million dollars into agriculture innovation and research. 

The funding, which was initially announced in the 2017 federal budget, comes over five years address significant environmental challenges and hire approximately 75 scientists and science professionals in emerging fields of agricultural science.

The funding was announced by Federal Agriculture Minister, Lawrence MacAulay, at the Harrow Research and Development Centre.

“This investment allows us to hire the next generation of world-class scientists here in Harrow and across the country, and will help give our farmers the tools they need to grow their businesses for years to come,” MacAulay says. “This transformational investment demonstrates our Government’s strong commitment to science and our focus on the agriculture sector as a primary economic driver for creating good jobs and growing the middle class.”

The lion’s share, $44-million is dedicated to hiring the next generation of federal research scientists and science professionals and equipping them with the state-of-the-art tools they need to advance agricultural research, including environmental sampling equipment and analytical instruments.

Another $10-million will go toward a so-called Living Laboratories Initiative, focusing on collaborative research projects, working together with farmers, scientists, and other stakeholders.

And the remaining $16-million is earmarked for federal research projects focused on priority areas affecting the agriculture sector, such as environmental issues.