This year will mark the first ever Dutch Heritage Day in Canada, to be celebrated on May 5th.

Chatham-Kent-Leamington MP Dave Van Kesteren’s Bill M-207 received unanimous support on Parliament Hill this week.

“I’ve had such great response and support both here and in the House – everybody was excited about this, and in our community as well. I’m hoping that this is something that can contribute tot his great country, and hoping that the Dutch community will continue to contribute to this great country,” says VanKesteren.

Van Kesteren says as his final motion before retiring, he’s thrilled to be able to honour the heritage of his own family and so many others in the area.

“I see the people that I’m surrounded by and the people I’ve grown up with and the what the impact it’s made on them. And I just felt that since this will be my last private member’s motion that this would be a great way to exit, and at the same time honour the people who’ve had such an impact on my life, and a large impact on the community as well,” VanKesteren explains.

Bill M-207 reads, That in the opinion of the House, in recognition of the sacrifices made by Canadians in the liberation of the Netherlands, as well as the contributions made to Canada by those of Dutch heritage, the government should recognize every May 5th as Dutch Heritage Day to honour this unique bond.