CKXS File Photo.
CKXS File Photo.

Flight Fest is this weekend and as part of the event, ”Canadians Making Aviation History” will be presented at the Chatham Capitol Theatre Friday night.

Marc-Andre Valiquette will be speaking about one of his passions, the Avro Arrow.

“At the time (of the plane’s cancellation) Avro Canada in Toronto had a very great team of engineers, technicians, and people working on the floor,” says Valiquette.  “The aircraft itself, of course today it wouldn’t be as good, but it was ahead of it’s time and giving it a chance to be produced, it may have been even better.

Tickets are $20 and are available here.

Captain Robert Piche will also share his story of dead sticking an passenger jet onto a tiny island in the Atlantic in 2001.