Ontario’s premier is encouraging patience and respect as residents get used to the new proof of vaccination system, allowing only fully vaccinated patrons to eat indoors at restaurants, go to the movies, or work out at the gym.

Doug Ford echoed previous sentiments of the province’s chief medical officer that the vaccine passport system will lead to more people getting their shots.

“That’s just going to avoid ever having to lockdown, the more people that roll up their sleeves, get the jab in the arm, it’s going to help everyone,” Ford says. “Help the province as a whole, help economies, help people get back to work and businesses, and that’s what we’re focused on.”

Ford stressed the vaccine certificates are only meant to be a temporary measure, and will be repealed when it’s safe to do so, based on advice from Dr. Kieran Moore and the science advisory table.

“There’s no secret, I was reluctant because I just don’t believe in government dictating to people how to live their lives, run their business, but in saying that, this is a special circumstance. I don’t want to do it a day longer than we have to, so I can’t give you the exact date, but hopefully it’ll be sooner than later.”

Ford also hinted at potentially allowing for increased capacity at venues covered by the vaccine passport system, but didn’t give any specifics.