Teachers at French-language schools in Ontario will vote next month on whether or not to provide their union with the ability to strike.

The Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO) has announced that it will hold a strike vote between January 24-26, 2024 for its members, which are made up of roughly 12,000 French-language elementary and high school teachers.

“By holding a strike vote, AEFO is not saying it absolutely wants to go on strike, but members have been overly patient. The government and the Council of Trustees’ Associations must recognize that French-language education is a valuable asset for Ontario. We deserve fair funding and working conditions consistent with our crucial services in training tomorrow’s workforce,” said AEFO President Anne Vinet-Roy in a news release.

Discussions between the government and the AEFO have stalled on several issues including workloads and staffing shortages, the union said.

Teachers and occasional teachers represented by AEFO have been without a collective agreement since August 31, 2022, when the previous contract expired.

Negotiations have been ongoing since June 6, 2022.

In the meantime, the AEFO has submitted a request to the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training, and Skills Development to retain a conciliation officer to assist with future bargaining sessions.