You know those golf clubs that are tucked away in the back of the garage?

Better dust them off because golf courses in the province will open on Saturday.

Same with tennis courts.

Premier Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliot made the announcement this afternoon at Queen’s Park.

They were unveiling their three step plan to reopen the province but will let us have these outdoor activities for the long weekend.

The rest of the plan will not take effect until mid June when the vaccination numbers are higher and they expect the case load of COVID-19 to be lower.

Elliot mentioned June 14th as the possible start date for stage one.

That would include reopening outdoor activities like camp grounds and day camps, outdoor dining would return along with some retail opportunities.

Each stage will remain in effect for 21 days.

Stage 2 would include small indoor gatherings of up to 5 people and large outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people.

Barber shops and hair salons would be allowed to reopen and retail capacity could go to 25 per cent.

Indoor dining and gyms would return as part of stage 3.

That could be august before that happens.