A local business owner is throwing his hat in the ring to enter federal politics.

Mike Grail, who owns half a dozen Tim Horton’s restaurants around Chatham-Kent, is running for the federal Conservative nomination in Chatham-Kent-Leamington.

He says his background has prepared him well for the role.

“Having lived here for over 25 years with an extensive business background, education, and experience in the community advocacy, I thought it was the right time for me to make this step into the political scene,” Grail explains. “Especially with Dave Van Kesteren, who has been such a solid representative for this area, retiring, I just felt this was the right time for me to try to move into that type of position.”

Grail, who also serves as the board chair at the Children’s Treatment Centre, says there’s a lot of untapped potential in Chatham-Kent, and his main goal, if elected, is to ensure fiscal responsibility at the federal level.

The CKL Conservative Riding Association will hold a nomination meeting in November.