Dave Gadoury, Manager of Security, Lori Marshall, President & CEO and Lisa Northcott, Vice President of People & Chief Nursing Executive accept the Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN) Provincial Conversion Rate Award from Paula Schmidt, Hospital Development Coordinator, TGLN and Dr. Marat Slessarev, Regional Medical Lead for Organ Donation, TGLN.

The Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, its patients and families are being recognized by the Trillium Gift Of Life Network.

The hospital is one of the best when it comes to organ and tissue donations, having recently won the Conversion Rate Award from the TGLN.

CKHA CEO Lori Marshall says it’s more proof of Chatham-Kent’s giving nature.

“Not only the hospital, reaching 100% conversion rate, but also really to highlight Chatham-Kent as a community is at 47% in terms of registered donors,” Marshall explains. “That compares with around 33% for the rest of the province.”

The award is given to organizations that meet or exceed the TGLN’s target of a 63% conversion rate, which represents the percentage of potential organ donors that went on to become actual donors.

CKHA is among 30 hospitals and four community partners to be recognized for outstanding efforts to integrate donation into quality end-of-life care in 2018/19.