A series of seminars are being held to help event organizers looking to apply for permits. 

The first special event application public information meeting takes place in Tilbury December 7th. 

Event organizers will be able to meet with municipal staff, get paper copies of event application forms, and learn about the application process as a whole.

Similar meetings are being held in Ridgetown, Chatham, and Dresden in the new year, however officials stress the meeting locations are not specific to event locations – each session is open to anyone.

Full list of meeting dates and times:

Tilbury Arena Conference Room, December 7, 2022, 7-9pm
Ridgetown Arena Boardroom, January 18, 2023, from 7-9pm
Chatham Thames Campus Red Line Room, February 8, 2023, 7-9pm
Dresden Arena- Conference Room, March 22, 2023, 7-9pm