Chatham-Kent is looking for public feedback on allowing backyard chickens in residential areas of the municipality.

The municipality has launched an online survey to garner input from the community about how residents feel about the issue of backyard chickens.

On February 6, CK Council directed administration to draft a report on the issue, which will include public consultation, along with feedback and recommendations from the local public health unit. The report will also examine how neighbouring municipalities have addressed residential backyard chickens, as well as any associated costs.

Currently, the municipality’s responsible animal ownership bylaw permits chickens on premises zoned agricultural, but doesn’t allow chickens in residential urban and rural areas.

Chatham-Kent council previously voted against allowing urban backyard chickens in 2013 and 2020.

Residents interested in taking part in the anonymous survey can do so on the Let’s Talk CK website by clicking here.

The survey closes on April 11 with administration expected to report back to council in May with the results and recommendations.