IPM 2018 Co-Chair Leon LeClair sits in the sponsored Victory Ford vehicle beside the IPM Badder Bus coach.
IPM 2018 Co-Chair Leon LeClair sits in the sponsored Victory Ford vehicle beside the IPM Badder Bus coach.

Nearly 1,200 people are needed to help run next year’s International Plowing Match.

The 2018 event is expected to bring in a large crowd, and Co-Chair Darrin Canniff says they’re looking for volunteers:

“This event will be hosting 100,000 people so you get an idea of how many volunteers were going to need. We create a city out there.  There’s going to be water, electricity right arcoss the hole event so it’s going to be a big thing,” says Caniff. “There’s going to be water and electricity, it’s going to take about three months to set up.”

Canniff says the greatest need for volunteers will be during the event, and if you’re interested in volunteering, you can contact them via their Facebook page.