Photo courtesy of Andrew Thiel on Instagram @ckmarketingguy

Tobe Cobe is making the most of the last weeks of summer by going on a cross country road trip.

International Plowing Match Marketing Chair Andrew Thiel says, “We are sending TobeCobe for a little teak across Canada. He’s left Chatham and he’s on his way to Sakatchewn right now.”

Thiel says Tobe Cobe is 3 feet in height, and will be travelling with friends of the IPM.

“He’ll be passed onto friends and family of the Match. They don’t necessarily have to be from Chatham-Kent, and I’m sure along the way there will be a few folks who aren’t from Chatham-Kent who will be escorting him around,” says Thiel.

Thiel says this sort of initiative is the first for the International Plowing Match.

“We’re doing this initiative just to raise awareness about the IPM and getting people involved from all across Canada who will hopefully end up at the Math on September 18th,” says Thiel.

You can track Tobe Cobe on the Trackem website by clicking here.