The holiday spirit will be alive and well in downtown Wallaceburg tonight.

Kelsey Nydam with the BIA says a special market is being held this evening.

“You can expect to see 30 local vendors and artisans with holiday products in a completely controlled space by the new SaveMax,” Nydam says. “You can also find business promotions at our local stores all throughout the downtown.”

The event will include COVID safety protocols such as physical distancing, hand sanitizer, and a controlled number of people allowed in the fenced-off marketplace at any given time.

A pop-up tree market with Millar Tree Farms will bet set up by the Wallaceburg Wellness Centre at 222 Wellington Street.

A number of storefront windows around the downtown core have been decorated for the occasion, and Nydam says visitors are encouraged to grab a selfie to win some prizes.

“If you take a picture of yourself in front of the displays and put it on Instagram with the hashtag #wburgholidaymarket you’ll automatically be entered into a draw for various raffle prizes that local businesses have donated.”

Visitors can also vote on their favourite holiday display. The contest runs through November 30th. Categories include best overall, most creative, and best execution of a theme.

The market runs from 5 until 9pm.