When long time Lambton-Kent-Middlesex Tory MP Bev Shipley announced last month he would not be running in the next federal election, it didn’t take long for people to start lining up for the job.

Bruce Lamb, via Facebook.

Bruce Lamb is the first out of the gate to announce he’s seeking the Conservative nomination for the riding.

“I’ve always been a bit of a political animal, involved in 15 municipal, provincial, and federal campaigns,” Lamb says.

He says agriculture, and government over spending are two of his biggest concerns.

“My big issue is with national debt and deficit,” Lamb says. “The current government is going to be adding $70-billion over their term, and that’s assuming they keep to their projections, and I don’t think our kids and grandkids should be paying interest on that debt.”

No date has been set yet for a nomination meeting ahead of the 2019 federal election.