Photo courtesy of Lambton Public Health.

Lambton County’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Sudit Ranade, has announced he is the running for federal office.

Dr. Ranade, who has been with Lambton Public Health since 2012, has been acclaimed as the Liberal candidate for the riding of Lambton-Kent-Middlesex.

“I am excited to begin this new adventure,” Dr. Ranade says. “Lambton Public Health has a fantastic team whose passion and dedication to our community has been evident throughout my tenure, but especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, we have made great strides in providing the residents of Lambton County the information, tools, strategies, and vaccines to help combat COVID-19. I have no doubt the team will continue this work while I explore this new chapter.”

Once the federal election is officially called, Dr. Ranade will take a leave of absence from Lambton Public Health.

The health unit has started searching for an Acting Medical Officer of Health to provide coverage for the County, on an interim basis, during the election.