Area residents are being given a chance to have their voice heard when it comes to health care reforms.

Shirley Roebuck, chair of the Wallaceburg and Walpole Island First Nation Health Coalition says a public meeting will be held on October 19th to talk about progressive hospital reforms.

“We’re hosting these meetings all over the province. Everyone’s information will be tabulated into a report that will be published later this year or early next year – certainly before the [provincial] elections, so that all of the parties will know exactly what the people want and expect in public health care”, Roebuck explains.

She says the public hasn’t had a chance to voice their concerns, so the meeting is a place where they can do that.

“The provincial government has not held any public meetings about what the people want from our public hospitals. But everyone knows what large changes have gone on in Ontario in the past few years. So we thought someone should give the people the chance to voice their concerns”, says Roebuck.

If you’d like to have a chance to speak at the Wallaceburg meeting, you can submit a request through the Health Coalition by October 6th.

Call the Wallaceburg-WIFN health Coalition at 226-402-2724, the Ontario Health Coalition at 416-441-2502, or email or