In a quest to find more doctors to fill the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance’s two campuses, the hospital is looking in its own back yard.
Fannie Vavoulis, Director, Communications & Lead Physician Recruiter, says they want to connect with local med students.
“We’re excited to reestablish our connection with local medical students from Chatham-Kent. The thought process around that is we’d like to know of any local students are studying at school across the world and build a relationship with them during their education and their travels and eventually, hopefully recruit them back to Chatham-Kent,” says Vavoulis. “I keep saying our best recruits are from Chatham-Kent, whether they are born and raised here or done training with us. They could be from Ottawa but have done their two years of family medicine residency training those are our best recruits, they know our community they have a foundation and they know our hospitals.”
If you know the name of a medical student from Chatham-Kent you can contact Vavoulis at 519.352.6401 x 6143 or by emailing [email protected]